As the weather starts to cool down and seasonal ailments such as colds, coughs, and allergies return, you may be in need of an Ayurvedic massage more than ever. Not only can an Ayurvedic massage help you relax as we head toward the holiday season and you may be feeling stressed and overwhelmed with everything you need to do, but it can also help your immune system, alleviate pain and aches, and help you feel stable and energized before the busy holiday season.


Luminous You Massage in Lubbock, Texas, offers Ayurvedic massage. This is a massage that uses hot oil from India to help you relax and rejuvenate. Our massage therapists hand pick an oil for you based on your personal dosha. A dosha is a blend of physical, emotional, and mental characteristics. Your dosha is also known as your mind-body type and is derived from the five elements. From there, your hot oil from India is warmed and our therapists use friction and circular movements around your joints and muscles to help heal the body. They focus on especially tight areas that may be giving you trouble and causing discomfort. Your Ayurvedic massage with our hot massage oil from India should leave you feeling relaxed, comfortable, stable, recharge, and healthy.


An Ayurvedic massage with hot massage oil from India can be the perfect thing for you right before the holiday season. Head into Thanksgiving and Christmastime with a clear head and relaxed body by booking your Ayurvedic massage today. Luminous You Massage in Lubbock, Texas, is glad to help you feel your best and help keep you healthy and relaxed during a busy time of year. To book your massage, please visit our website at We look forward to seeing you!